
2024/07/17 12:42 更新

Impression of Nakamura JHS

Nakamura JHS is a short walk North from Toritsukasei station on the Seibu Shinjuku line. The school is very large with fifteen classes, five hundred and fifty students and seventeen clubs. The school has its own indoor gym and a swimming pool on the roof.
The students are very friendly and have a passion for sports and school activities. Nakamura JHS has a very friendly atmosphere, where visitors and new teachers are greeted warmly. If you arrive before school you will receive a warm greeting from the friendly students and staff at the main gate.
Inside the school there are many gardens with many kinds of plants, trees and shrubs. There is even a vegetable garden, maintained by the students, whose fresh produce is served to the lucky teachers with lunch.
The tasty school lunches, planned by the school nutritionist, are prepared in the school’s kitchen. Popular music is played over the P.A. system by the students in the student council while the students and teachers enjoy their lunch.
The students look forward to the after school activities, with clubs ranging from typical things such as sports and musical instruments to computers, arts, cooking and tea ceremonies.